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Check Your GHJA Point Standings
Check your GHJA Points standings! Points are updated once a month after all Horse Show Results for the previous month have been filed with the office.  To check the Local Hunter/Jumper points click here, for the Regular Hunter/Jumper standings, click here, for the Regular Equitation Standings, click here, and for the Local Equitation standings, click here. All point standings are through...Today?
Get Seen on the FRS Website
Calling all riders! We want to keep our website fresh and exciting. We have new comers joining the FRS family all the time. What a better way to meet everyone than to share a photo of yourself and/or your horse! You can submit your favorite photos to Doug@falconridgestables.com and get seen!
General Barn News
We are always seeking ways to improve our barn and the services we offer, if you have any ideas or would like to suggest an idea, we'd love to hear from you! Please feel free to stop and let Simon, Doug or Sharon know or send them an email at info@falconridgestables.com.
Submit a Newsworthy Item for the Newsletter
Got a newsworthy item you'd like to share with everyone? We'd love to hear from you! Any questions, comments or concerns for newsletters, meeting topics, or show or barn procedures, can be submitted through the website or the main office. Submit your comments in writing (you can submit anonymously) to news@falconridgestables.com or drop it in the payment box located outside the main office.
Our barn is one big extended family. We practice, play and compete against each other all year round. Unfortunately, even happy families sometimes have issues that arise between family members. Falcon Ridge Stables would like to ask that we all respect each other and try to openly work out our differences, should they arise. If you have an issue you cannot solve with someone, please let Doug or Sharon know and they will be glad to listen and help.

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